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Revolutionize Mental Wellness for Your Clients

Depression, anxiety, and trauma are increasing and organizations are beginning to feel the enormous cost of a suffering workforce. Traditional treatments are simply not enough to help — they can be ineffective, expensive, and could require a lifetime of treatment.

Enthea is looking to change that.

Psychedelic therapy is changing lives. Today.
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The world is now recognizing the significant benefits of psychedelic therapy. In study after study, psychedelic medicine has been repeatedly shown to achieve dramatically improved outcomes with depression, PTSD, substance abuse and acute anxiety. 

Ketamine-assisted therapy is currently approved by the FDA, MDMA will be approved in the next year, and psilocybin soon after. 

And it’s likely your clients will be asking for information, access, and education about it (if they aren’t already).

The breakthrough solution for reducing mental health issues

Adding this innovative treatment on top of an existing benefits plan will result in happier, more productive employees as well as lower direct and indirect healthcare costs. As a Benefit Advisor, partnering with Enthea can provide several advantages for your clients, including:

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Improved employee satisfaction and productivity

Mental health issues can take a significant toll on employee productivity and overall satisfaction with their work. By providing access to effective and innovative treatments, your clients can help their employees feel better, work better, and ultimately contribute more to the success of their organization.

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Taking part in the latest breakthrough in mental wellness treatments

Psychedelic-assisted therapy is a new and rapidly growing field that is demonstrating remarkable results in treating mental health conditions that have been resistant to traditional treatments. Partnering with Enthea means your clients will be at the forefront of the latest treatments and therapies for mental wellness.

Current insurance policies aren’t prepared.

Unfortunately, traditional TPAs and insurance providers are under-prepared. They lack the necessary provider network, established standard of care, and experience in educating people about psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Introducing Enthea - the partner you need to stay ahead in mental wellness.

Our network is made up of hand-picked, vetted, and credentialed psychedelic therapy practitioners. Your clients get access to affordable treatment guided by our best-in-class medical policy with quality control of ongoing treatments and providers.

Why Enthea?
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Customized solutions for your clients' specific needs

Each organization has unique requirements and challenges when it comes to mental wellness. Enthea works closely with each client to develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs and goals.

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Hassle-free administration

From identifying and vetting providers to managing the logistics of treatment, we’ve got the details. covered. You don’t have to worry about constant back and forth to manage each interaction. Your clients can focus on their core business and we take care of the rest.

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Compliance & risk management

We take the risk off your plate. We have a proven track record of ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations governing psychedelic-assisted therapy. You can be confident you’re always in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

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Customized solutions for your clients' specific needs

Each organization has unique requirements and challenges when it comes to mental wellness. Enthea works closely with each client to develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs and goals.

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Hassle-free administration

From identifying and vetting providers to managing the logistics of treatment, we’ve got the details. covered. You don’t have to worry about constant back and forth to manage each interaction. Your clients can focus on their core business and we take care of the rest.

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Compliance & risk management

We take the risk off your plate. We have a proven track record of ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations governing psychedelic-assisted therapy. You can be confident you’re always in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving field

Join Enthea today and begin providing your clients with the latest breakthroughs in mental wellness treatments and helping improve emotional wellbeing and productivity in the workplace. Click the button below to get more information.